The Half Sisters

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Diana and Ashley are very special non-identical twin sisters. Both were born healthy, but the circumstances of their birth are extraordinarily rare. While the girls were undoubtedly born to the same mother, these twins actually have different fathers! When Gina, the girls' mother, was ovulating and being intimate with her husband, was raped by an ex-lover. But, although Gina managed to keep this a secret, her husband, Alfred, had doubts that Diana was truly his daughter, so he demanded a DNA test. This is how it was discovered that Ashley is really the daughter of Alfred and Diana of Benjamin. Furthermore, in light of new evidence, Benjamin was convicted of murder. Many years pass and circumstances have changed. Benjamin is now a rich businessman and Alfred is poor and broke. Conflict arises when Alfred asks Ashley to pretend that she is really Benjamin's daughter, in order to steal her birthright and the family fortune. How will this unusual rivalry between these sisters end?
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